It happened; filled with grief and joy it happened suddenly,
Leaving behind the greatest ploy it happened suddenly.
Amazed amidst its tardiness and speedy turning up
I’m left as an inexpert boy; it happened suddenly.
My tears caught in tricky move: to shed or not to shed,
Sweeping away my doubtful Troy it happened suddenly.
The tenure of the chair was a long-awaited dream,
I dropped the chair as a toy. It happened suddenly.
I’m lost amongst my shame and pride leaving no stone unturned
In order to achieve the joy, it happened suddenly.
The wind is blowing to the East to tell my confidants:
He is with you forever. Oi! It happened suddenly.
11 Jan 2006
My wonderful Amigo, God help me to be able to tell you how beautiful it feels to know someone like you calls me, us, friends. I am sure it will never change. I will always feel this way, no matter where you are or what you do, you will remain our Hero. We knew you would move on one day and were fearing of that day, but still you are right - it happened suddenly. But Baba!, who said that our ties are based on The BBC?! Those who thought so, are blind or insane. Although it was too much fun and pleasure to work together, nah?... It is not about the bbc, it is not about it at all... but still, will you please keep it in the back of your mind that, if you are not happy with them - you will come back some day Amigo...
My dearest amiga, I feel more than happy to be a friend of such a perfect and lovely person as you. A person who appears Suddenly and with her miraculous words sheding from her heart makes me feel someone, even when I'm feeling no one.
I forbid to speak like this on behalf of my Amigo!
...but i know, you'll feel better soon, when join the team in Prague dear.
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