Monday, October 25, 2004

That's what's approaching us: the cloak of innocence on the trees... we can never get one of those... Posted by Hello


Shamsi said...

hmm...but they are not alive, we are...
hope you are not sad about it. if you come to taj in the winter, we will keep you outdoor for an hour or so when it's

D said...

That's another plus for trees. Not alive and not capable to show cruelty, to be inhumane by being human...

Shamsi said...

come on dariush, i do not like the angle from which you see things these days... what is the matter?! were you too crual in cutting your interviewees answers short lately?!

D said...

If Thoughtland is getting saddening, it'd be better to have an exodus from it and come later to see if the mood has changed.

Shamsi said...

... or post a new picture, spring may be, and see what happens...

D said...

How can I get a spring out of the winter? I have to wait until it comes... I dunno how long though

Shamsi said...

nothing is impossible...remember?

D said...

Sometimes it's impossible to memorize that sort of good sayings for good...

Shamsi said...

and john denver again...

...Sometimes I'm almost there,
Sometimes I fly like an eagle,
And sometimes I'm deep in despair...

D said...

That sounds more possible...

Shamsi said...

i can lend you some spring amigo don't worry

D said...

I will be obliged to whoever lends me some spring now

Shamsi said...

hhhmmm... it seems it is out of the stock in the market round the corner, but i will figure out what to do. i have your postal address .... hmmm and yes they say DHL works better in Taj.

D said...

Can you see how difficult it is to get just a bit of spring? Don't bother yourself, dear. You won't find it.

Shamsi said...

a-a, i already sent it your way it will find you sooner if you try to forget how bad winter feels.

D said...
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D said...
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D said...

Prolly it'll reach me when I'd forget the meaning of those words, both spring and winter

Shamsi said...

only thing we can do from here is keep reminding you about them

D said...

thanks for that